Poem J Meisinger 0521Fast ein halbes Jahr waren die Schülerinnen und Schüler der Jahrgangsstufen 7-E nun Pandemie-bedingt im Distanzunterricht. Diese Woche hieß es dann endlich wieder „Wechselunterricht für alle Schülerinnen und Schüler!“.

Wie die jungen Menschen die zurückliegenden Monate erlebt haben, schildert Jana Meisinger aus der Klasse E2c eindrucksvoll in einem Gedicht auf englischer Sprache, welches wir an dieser Stelle mit Janas ausdrücklicher Erlaubnis veröffentlichen möchten...




Time stands still

We are a community in our land,

and reach each other our hand.

But what happens when we suddenly

need to keep a distance between us,

so the whole world begins to discuss.

What is right and what is wrong ?

Right now we have to be strong.

In this special time we need to work

together in our hearts and stay at home

just waving the neighbours out of our yards.

I would love to hold my loved one’s in my arms,

but only through the display I can see their laughs.

Moments of loneliness, grief and harm went by,

though we learned some new things, for example me in July.

The shops are closed, nobody’s out

and you don’t hear one single sound.

People try to keep their head above the water

and some other people say it’s only getting harder.

Maybe it seems impossible, but believe me, we can do it,

we come through it. This time teaches us things,

we’ve never known before and opens a door.

And there’s one thing, I think we all learned namely,

how we can be, with the actions of ourselves,

a lifesaver for someone else.

lehrer hessen 0222

WheelUP - Parcour
